About MSD

MSD is a privately held engineering and construction company providing services about computational studies, project management, supervision, and construction in the field of structural-seismic engineering.

At the beginning, the company's activities was focused on seismic evaluation and rehabilitation of existing buildings, concrete repair, FRP strengthening systems and anchoring to concrete. It worth mentioning that according to the objectives outlined in the company's development prospects, the development of activities in designing and construction of new structural systems and technologies has been considered. The introduction of cold formed steel structures-special bolted moment frames systems, (CFS-SBMF), (for the first time in Iran) is an example of the result of such efforts. 

MSD offers a wide array of services ranging from designing to procurement, management & construction in the fields of Seismic Evaluation & Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, Structural Strengthening & Concrete Repairs and Cold formed steel structures-special bolted moment frames. MSD offers also supplementary services such as “Grouting Injection & Anchoring to Concrete” and “Technical Consultation & Material Supply” in a wide range from the construction of new structures to the retrofitting of existing buildings.

Through quality management practices, MSD seeks to bring value  to customers, innovation to the market, excellence to manufacturing practices, satisfaction to employees and colleagues and profitable growth to the company itself. In the path of development, activities of MSD have focused on achieving the following targets:

  • Educating and training of efficient and professional human resources
  • Effective and continuous communication with academic centers and update the technical products based on new scientific research
  • Using individual and collective creativity; appropriate use of ICT tools and applicable softwares
  • Creating mechanisms based on efficient management which are institutional for quality-control of projects
  • Efforts towards the introduction of new systems and technologies of modern construction

Efforts in order to produce technical documents and reports related to company's activities and providing them for free.